Simple Sundays…

Do you know what I love about Sundays? On Sundays, I can have 2 cups of tea before I start my day. That’s right, I’m really a very simple girl…

All it takes is 2 cups of tea to make me happy…

2 cups of tea sipped from my white porcelain Bernardaud Louvre mug.

If it’s good enough for HRH, it’s good enough for e.

White porcelain doesn’t taint the taste of the tea, which is important because when you’re drinking HRH’s favorite blend, Taylor of Harrogate’s Yorkshire Gold, you want it to taste just so.

2 cups of tea steeped for exactly 5.5 minutes in freshly filtered water boiled to precisely 100 degrees Fahrenheit in my new Kitchen Aid kettle.

2 cups of tea finished with a dash of Organic Valley whole milk.

No sugar.

Just teatime, extra special, Sunday edition.

My Sunday Mug.